Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 10: Fun Day! (27/08/2010)

All Right, Guys!!

This is me attempting to blog! (10 days late, good thing I took some notes on the actual day!)

So.. I get the pleasure of blogging about PP10 Fun Day! Yey! <:0)

I (and I think the rest of the team) woke up to the sound of the telephone ringing, courtesy of Malilay's wake-up call at 7.15am! (Mali, I just realised I never thanked you for all your wake-up calls! So here is a massive Thank You for being our human alarm for 2.5 weeks!) We were all meant to be ready and waiting by 7.45am in the lobby so we could leave early but true to PP10 style, we left at 8.15am instead (I think we were waiting for a certain Robi B and his uke!) I remember being on the bus for some time, I think our destination was quite some ways from the hotel, it was definitely further than the airport! Bus ride was quite uneventful, really. After being on the bus for what must've been at least 30 minutes, Darwin stopped for people to get some lunch for consumption later in the day. Whilst waiting, there was a round of Spotlight On v.2.0 : Relationship Status (don't know whose idea that was but I thoroughly enjoyed it!) :0) Then the lunch-getters returned and we resumed our journey! When we got there and saw the sea, we were all so excited! Hells yeah!! SEEAAA!!! <:0) People started slappin' on the sunscreen and everyone was in good spirits, it was lovely to see everyone so happy! After some "mad" manoeuvering skillz by Darwin the bus driver, we exited the bus and headed to our boat! The boat ride to the island was amazing, I don't know about everyone else but I absolutely loved the feeling of the wind in my face and being out in the sea and not having to think of icebreakers/activities for the next Leadership Workshop, hee hee :0)

Then we arrived at the island! Whoopeee! We were all kinda surprised when we saw how deserted it was, but who cares, we dumped our stuff on the ground and proceeded to have lunch. We sat on grass that was quite prickly, I remember. Lol, good times. Then Robi whipped his ukulele out and some singing/a music sesh followed whilst no one noticed Ryan climbing up a tree. Until he got to the top and someone finally saw and I distinctly remember Diana telling him to come down :0)

The island is privately owned so there was a fee of PHP800 to be paid. After walking around for a bit, we left to head somewhere else for some swimmng/playing about in the sea. Davina had to wait ages for PHP200 worth of change from the woman but when she finally got it, we set off to another place! This "other place" was literally a random spot in the middle of the sea. When the boat stopped, we were all kinda like "HUH?" But the blue/green-ness of the sea looked sooo beautiful that I was so ready to jump in!!! The water looked so inviting! Unfortunately though, we were then told that the water there was about 8 feet deep, and then someone went "SOME OF US CAN'T SWIM!!" (can't remember who, I think it was Nguyet!) GG. So after some discussion, the boatmen started up the boat again and we left that random spot in the middle of the sea and headed back to the previous island we were on but we moved to a separate spot where there was actually lots of sand and it looked more like a beach :0) The previous spot where we had lunch didn't look too much like a beach cos there wasn't much sand.

We dumped our stuff in a hut and then some of us went into the sea for some fun :0) Not everyone loves the water though! Davina, Nguyet and Chan didn't get into the sea much, I remember only myself, Kenneth, Elle, Diana, Robi, Thomas, Kelly, Malilay, Ryan, Francis and Vic out in the sea! Nicole and Angela stayed near the sandy part and didn't come further out. It was so lovely to be in the seaaaaa! It was quite a hot day so the sea was nice and refreshing! The water was "hella" salty. Also, there were some rather exciting seaweed textures that we were stepping on, kinda felt like I was stepping on turd some times. Eep. Anyway, we had a bit of fun splashing about in the sea, it was nice to just float and chillax for a bit after a week of hard work! One by one, we left and went back to the hut where we dumped our stuff earlier, some beer was consumed, lots of junk food also consumed. We also had 2 rounds of Spotlight Ons and Ryan and Tom shared a special and intimate moment when Ryan helped put sunscreen on Tom and explored Tom's "mannary glands" (...). I'm sure both Ryan and Tom enjoyed that spot of Sexploration. Yeah. . . . . awk-ward. . . Nah, it wasn't really, it was a lot of fun just sitting and chilling in that hut by the sea :0)

Then we left that island and headed to another place called Lapu-lapu where we all walked around and had a mini-tour of the island, courtesy of Francis. We had some coconut. The sun was scorching! After a short walk round the island, we decided to head back to the boat and then go back to the hotel, as most of us were getting tired by that point, and it was nearly 5pm. We went back in cool trishaws! It was well funny, as the trishaw is really quite tiny but can carry about 7 people! "In-tents!"

I don't really remember much from this point onwards, gotta be honest lol, I was was absolutely knackered from being out the entire day! I remember we got on the bus and headed back, but I don't even remember what we had for dins and if we got takeaway or ate someplace. Oops.

In spite of this day being Fun Day, we still had a short meeting that night where we talked about the sustainability of SEALNet and we also discussed Sci High's interest in forming a SEALNet Club at their school (or something to that extent). The Leadership Team also had a brief discussion about the next Leadership Workshop on What Others Can Do.

OK, so thats the end of my post. I hope I got everything right, I'm relying purely on my memory of the day and very little else!

Some photos to follow, hopefully!


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