Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 9 (8/26/10) Woohoo!

Day 9 (8/26/10)

Today was the very first day that we took the kiddies to work with more little kids. We were hoping to see some results of our workshops in the students today in the field. Hence, a lot of our deadlines were today. The Outreach Team had to finish their design for the mural that was to be painted on the walls of the elementary school. The Leadership Team had to come up with the Leadership Handbook so it could be sent out for printing. Last but not least, we were finally going to see the Waste Implementation Team in action on the field with their 5 committees. So, as you could tell, it was Dday for everyone.

Because of the deadlines, almost everyone slept in the early hours of the morning so we decided not to have wake-up call. Yes! After an awesome lunch at Maxim’s, off we go again to fetch the kiddies but this time towards a new destination, Barangay Pasil!

We picked up all the kids from their schools and got to Barangay Pasil a little past 1:30. The moment we got there, we all got to work immediately. The Education Team (which I was a part of) went straight to the 6th grade science class, NGO/LGU Team went to meet with the Barangay Council and the Outreach Team got working on their mural which is on the center wall of the stage. The Education Team did a fantastic job teaching the 6th, 5th and 4th grade kids about the importance of sanitation, health and hygiene. They performed a skit, made a slogan about the message, SHH! (Sanitation, Health, Hygiene) and even had an awesome jingle which had everything we discussed the day before on it. It was just fantastic. Then we headed over to the mural area and it was looking awesome :) It was really nice to see the kids on the field working and laughing together and just having fun working for their cause. The elementary kids of Pasil were also kind enough to give us a glimpse of the dance that they were preparing for a district competition. If I can I’ll post part of the video here :)

At 4 we headed out to the corner of Barangay Pasil to wait for the bus to pick us all up. To pass the time, we all played a bunch of games in that one area in the corner. We played 7Up, Ruray Panori and just had a blast playing together and just relaxing after a hard day at work. The bus ride home was filled with chatter as we all updated each other on what we did for the day and how we felt about it. But as with all days, it must come to an end and we took all the kids back to their respective schools.

The entire team then had dinner together as always and had our fill of the awesome Filipino food in Cebu. We then shared all our experiences with each other during debrief and planned for the day after which was… FUN DAY! More to come on that.. :)

-Malilay :)

1 comment:

  1. wow that was nice .thank you..
