Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 3 (8/21/10)

We started the day by summarizing the agreements we'd reached the previous day on our direction for the rest of the trip.

After the summary, we discussed a change in the group subteams; instead of having the originally-planned Sanitation Group, we would have a Waste Implementation Group. This change was a result of the clarification of the direction of our project last night. The Outreach and Leadership Teams remained. However, we were given the option to switch groups, which Robi took. After some serious angst, Angela and Elle accepted this fact. We also discussed the project budget.

We had 3 hours of FREE TIME, which involved trips to the Laundromat, Magellan's ("underwhelming" but still fun) cross, and the supermarket.

Once we regrouped, we began intensive preparation in our subgroups. After dinner (PIG'S BLOOD!), the groups debriefed one another on their progress. The Outreach Group presented a draft of an activity booklet for the elementary students on waste and sanitation education, including connect-the-dots and a comic strip. They set a timeline for the production of posters and calendars that the high school students would help design and translate into Cebuano. The Leadership Group presented an outline of the leadership workshop we'd do tomorrow. This included a dry-run of our lecture on the 5-step process of service leadership (1.Identify a Problem, 2.Identify Causes, 3.What You Can Do, 4.What Others Can Do the Help You, 5.Implementation). We had some very interesting role-playing students, including one who was quite concerned about shark finning. The Waste Implementation Group outlined the discussion we would have after the leadership workshop tomorrow, which would involve applying the 5-step service leadership process to the specific case of Barangay Pasil.

And then we had our OMG A.PLAN IS LEAVING TOMORROW time. Commence (sorry, I meant adjourn) with the love fest. We each made a string bracelet for Andrew (which he is never allowed to take off) and then said something we were thankful to Andrew for. Bromance was uber thick in the air. The tension reached a tipping point when Tom asked Andrew for some alone time after the meeting and Andrew responded with a passionate love song.

The rest of the night was spent wrapping up tasks in the subgroups.


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