Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 16 (9/2/10)

Last night was crazy. We did “appreciation” for both Diana and Francis, who were leaving a day early from the project. We made Diana, our “mommy” cry (we kinda saw it coming). After appreciation we practiced our group song for the little presentation we’ll do at the farewell dinner for Friday. Anyway, I got the feeling that no one really wanted to leave the room, because we’d have to keep going without two of our key members.

In any case, on to the actual day! At 11 AM, we got to Cebu City National Science High School. The kids from both UP Cebu and Sci-High worked on their afternoon presentations for the students at Barangay Pasil Elementary. The presentation groups were led by students from the education committee (a bit of background: the kids were separated into Education, NGO/LGU, Outreach and Finance committees to give them a choice of experiences for on-ground work). The students were very creative—they even came up with a jingle in Cebuano/English to teach sanitation and hygiene to the elementary school students.

At 1 PM, we were all off to our respective assignments for the day. The NGO/LGU group went to the hotel in one of the team members’ rooms, to do some internet research and make materials for Friday’s information drive that will target about 150 parents of the Barangay Pasil Elementary kids. Education/Finance and Outreach Team were off to Barangay Pasil. The Education team went to various classrooms of 1st through 3rd graders to do the presentations and distribute activity books to the children.

And I guess now I could talk about what the Outreach Team did, which I’m most familiar with since I was on it. We aimed to finish the mural today. This thing has turned out to be one of the biggest projects of our team. At first we expected to get maybe a 5’ x 5’ wall area in a random part of the school for the mural, but the principal gave to us instead a HUMONGOUS wall at a central location (that is, the STAGE) in the elementary school. After a lot of sweating while painting, being surrounded by 234,123 elementary school kids curious as to what we were doing to their school stage (don’t ever do this again around lunch time), and getting on sketchy, rickety ladders to paint the top area of the wall, here is the latest on the mural:

The finishing touches will be put on tomorrow. :) :(